by Oliver | Oct 10, 2018 | Insurance, Mortgages, Property Market
We thought you might like to know just a few of the facts since the Brexit vote…. It has been just over a month since our nation voted to exit the EU. There has been much speculation as to what the economy will look like, huge changes in Government, 100’s of reports...
by Oliver | Sep 29, 2018 | Insurance
Life is not always kind and it’s not always fair, unfortunately we can all be sure of that. And another thing I’m fairly sure about, is that people frequently don’t take out sufficient insurance to protect their income in case life is unkind or unfair. Insurance has...
by Oliver | Sep 28, 2018 | Insurance
When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is.” Oscar Wilde A recent report has highlighted a critical state of affairs in the UK with the average UK family being just 18 days off the breadline if they...